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Museum Bengkulu established at April 1, 1978, starts as a museum at May, 1980, located at behind the Marlborough Fort. The first collection is 51 collections : 43 etnography collections, 6 ceramic collection and 2 replica collections. At january 3, 1983 moved to the new location in Pembangunan street no 08 Padang Harapan, Bengkulu. Based on SK Mendikbud RI No. 0754/0/1987, enhanced the status be the museum state of province with the classification of Museum type C as the unit of technical executor (UPT) under the directorate of Museum Director General of Culture Ministry of education and culture of Republic of Indonesia. The inauguration on March 31, 1988 by the Director General for culture G.B,P.H Poeger, with the name of the state Museum of Bengkulu Province.
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After the autonomous regin at 2001, based on the regulations of the Bengkulu Province No 14 year 2001 about the Organisasi Dinas Pendidikan Nasional, Provninsi Bengkulu, Museum Bengkulu be the UPTD Dinas Pendidikan Nasional, Provinsi Bengkulu with name Museum Bengkulu. Currenctly with the Government regulation No. 41 in 2007, and applied the Perda No.7 in 2008, Museum of Bengkulu be UPTD Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Bengkulu Province. The Collection of Museum Bengkulu is a object of cultural history from nine native ethnic of Bengkulu and the others object of cultural history that realted to the development of Bengkulu as a cultural community also some replica and miniature objects. Until now amounted to 6.151 collections that consist of : 46's biology, 2988's etnography, 90's archaeology, 1901 keramologika, 138 filologika, 15 technological collections that have been collected sice 1978. Bengkulu province was established on December 18, 1968 based on UU No 9/1967 junto PP No 20 year 196.
At the beginning, Bengkulu Province consist of 3 counties and I municipality, they are North Bengkulu, South Bengkulu, Rejang Lebong and Bengkulu city. In autonomy era is extracted into 9 districts and I city. Astronomocally, Bengkulu located at 2.16-3.31 South Latitude and 101.01-103.41 East Longitude. The area is around 19.788,7 km follow the shoreline of the west coast of Sumatera island at the southern part aproximately 525 km. The governor who once ruled Bengkulu are : Ali Amin, Abdul Khalik, Drs. Suprapto, Drs Razie Yahya, Drs. Adjis Ahmad, Hasan Zen, SH, Agusrin M. Najamudin, ST, and H. Junaidi Hmasyah, M.Pd.
The Collections Of Museum Bengkulu
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One of the collections of the museum is Besurek Fabric. It made in rectangle shaped with cotton material, the fabric manufacturing by using canting writing technique. Patterned fabric Arabic caligraphy without meaning with geometric decoration, the kuwaw bird which made for the ornament/ This motifs has a meaning that describe the human and the nature with the creator. Thus motifs os used for baby shaving hair.
The others collection are : Stone Axe (The stone axe in Neolitic period as a farming tools and the completeness in prehistory ceremony, made by stone that sharpened and the shape of the surface is rectangle or trapezoid.
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The traditional house of serawai ethnic called as berungau bandung house that means two fused that assigned by people who are capable. The Shape of this building gave ijuk roof, the right wall tilts, consist of three levels. They are : the space under the house as a place for used goods and firewoods. The core parts that have functions as familyu residence, the ceiling used for storing valuables including the family inheritance. The rooms consist of : Veranda (place for dara weaving), Luan ( the boy's beddroom), Salon ( the dinning room and living room), Bilik (girl's bedroom).
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Ka Ga Nga letter made by bamboo, cylinder form, contains of prayers or incantations to refuse the distrubing from human or ghost that given the disease or to interfere. Found in Talo, Sluma at 1998.
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Male : singal, headware, necklace, pending, terapang kris, tanjung beberdompak fabric, batebur clothes and pants.Then for Female, consist of : singal headware, glamour nicklace, betabur clothes, bracelet, tanung bedompak fabric and beaded sandals.
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Traditional altar is a traditional's bridal equipment in Melayu Bengkulu. It serves as a place where the bridal copule sit together after their covenant of marriage. This altar made in decker shaped and resembling an open chamber that decorated with colorfulcloth woven in special way. In front of this altar have a yellow umbrella, spear, and berkalang pillow. This traditional altar is used for a duke, but now also used for the other community.
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Bengkulu's traditional weapon, the shaped is a half of circle (curved) which made by the iron, and the handles from a wood. Its used for martial weapon.
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It has cone shape which made by brass, bamboo, shell and plastic materials. With carving, holes and looks technique. It used as a Bengkulu traditional music instruments. Found in babatan, Bengkulu on march, 5 1998.
Schedulevisit :
Tuesday s.d. Sunday on 08.00 a.m untill 04.00 p.m
Modany, national Holidays : Closed
Source : Pamflet Museum Bengkulu, Indonesia
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